Perintah “vi” adalah perintah di dalam shell linux untuk mengedit
teks, kalau di dalam Windows pada shell MS-Dos dengan perintah “edit”.
Yang keduanya hampir mempunyai kesamaan, perbedaannya di dalam dos bisa
langsung dari windows dan dapat mouse dapat dijalankan tetapi di dalam
vi mouse tidak bisa digunakan untuk memilih option tersebut seperti
file, edit, help dll.
untuk membuat file menggukan format dibawah ini :
vi namafile.extensi –> untuk Linux
Dan berikut ini perintah dalam vi dalam linux antara lain :
Insert Text:
a : Insert Text after the cursor
A : Insert text at the end of the current line
I : Insert text at the beginning of the current line
i : Insert text before cursor
o : Open a line below the current line
O : Open a line above the current line
Ctrl-V : Insert any special character in input mode
Delete Text:
D : Delete up to the end of the current line
dd: Delete the current line
dw: Delete from the cursor to the end of the following word
x : Delete the character on which the cursor rests
Change Text:
C : Change up to the end of the current line
cc: Change the current line
cw: Change the word
J : Join the current line with the next one
rx: Replace the character under the cursor with x (x is any character)
~ : Change the character under the cursor to the opposite case
Move Cursor:
$ : Move to the end of the current line
; : Repeat last f or F command
^ : Move to the beginning of the current line
e : Move to the end of the current word
fx: Move cursor to the first occurrence of character x on the current
Fx: move cursor to the last occurrence of character x on the current
H : Move cursor to the top of the screen
h : Move one character to the left
j : Move one line down
k : Move one line up
L : Move cursor to the end of the screen
l : move one character to the right
M : Move cursor to the middle of the screen
n|: Move cursor to column n on current line
nG: Place cursor on line n
w : Move to the beginning of the following word
Mark A location:
‘x: Move cursor to the beginning of the line that contains mark x
`x: Move cursor to mark x
mx: Mark the current location with letter x
Scroll text:
Ctrl-b : Scroll backward by a full screen
Ctrl-d : Scroll forward by half a screen
Ctrl-f : Scroll forward by a full screen
Ctrl-u : Scroll backward by half a screen
Refresh Screen:
Ctrl-l : Redraw screen
Cut and Paste Text:
“xndd : Delete n lines and move them to buffer x(x is any single lowercase character)
“Xnyy : Yank n (a number) lines and append them to buffer x
“xnyy : Yank n (a number) lines into buffer x (x is any single lowercase character)
“xp : Put the yanked lines from buffer x after the current line
P : Put yanked line above the current line
p : Put yanked line below the current line
yy : Yank (copy) current line into an unnamed buffer
Colon Commands:
:!command : Execute shell command
:e filename : Edit file
:f : Display filename and current line number
:N : Move to line n (n is a number)
:q : quit editor
:r filename : Read file and insert after current line
:w filename : Write buffer to file
:wq : Save changes and exit
Search Text:
/string : search forward for string
?string : serach backward for string
n : find next sring
View file Information:
ctrl-g : show filename,size,and current line number
u : Undo last command
Esc : End input mode and enter visual command mode
U : Undo recent changes to current line